PlayStation or Xbox? These gaming consoles have dominated the gaming world for years. Each has tried to prove that it is the best of its class, but only one can take the crown of number one. For a console to be considered the best, it must have three factors: a low price, strong connectivity, and numerous features. To even the playing field, the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5 will be used for comparison.
- Price
Both gaming consoles cost a lot of money, but one has to be cheaper than the other. According to Yaguara, Amazon has over 310 million customers, so Amazon is where to compare the prices. The Xbox Series X costs $448, and PlayStation 5 costs $499. The prices of games on each of the consoles are also different. Minecraft is a popular game that varies between the two consoles.
On Amazon, Minecraft costs $30 for Xbox. On PlayStation, Minecraft costs $40.29. So the price category goes to Xbox.
2. Connectivity
A game can’t be good without a good Wi-Fi connection and a good connection to a server. Before comparing, this is what ping and FPS is. Ping is how much time(milliseconds) it takes for your device to connect to a server(you want this number to be low). If you live in the U.S., you would probably be connected to an NA-West server. FPS, or Frames Per Second, is how many frames are displayed every second on your screen (you want this number to be high). If you have 30 FPS, 30 frames would be on your screen every second, which would make your game look a little like pixels. It’s usually capped at 60 FPS unless you turn on performance settings or can bypass the FPS limit(it could be too much for your device). Let’s look at PlayStation. According to Cyber Ghost VPN, the average ping for a PlayStation5 is 60-80ms depending on the server you’re connected to. According to PushSquare, the PlayStation 5 is capped at 60 FPS, however, it can go to 120 FPS. Xbox has 40-60ms and is capped at 60 FPS, so it cannot go any further(except with performance settings or being able to bypass the FPS cap). Although Xbox has slightly better ping, PlayStation has up to 120 FPS and also has the same relative ping. So PlayStation takes this category.
3. Features
Finally, every console has features to help enhance the experience of the console player. On Xbox, one such feature is the Xbox Game Pass, which gives you access to hundreds of high-quality games for free on the first-day release, with discounts, rewards, and perks such as items in a game exclusively for that specific game. Xbox also has cloud gaming, allowing you to play Xbox games without the need for the console across many devices. Xbox also has a 512 GB storage drive, with 360 GB of usable data or 1 terabyte of storage data, depending on the model. PlayStation has a subscription pass as well called PlayStation Plus. The perks of PlayStation Plus include online multiplayer, cloud save storage, and tons of downloadable games. The PlayStation 5 also has 825 GB of storage or Solid State Drive (SSD). PlayStation also has cloud gaming, similar to Xbox. With the passes both consoles have to offer, the Xbox clearly takes the lead here. In terms of storage, Xbox’s storage data is incomparable to PlayStation with one terabyte of data. So Xbox takes the lead.
In this gaming battle, the Xbox and the PlayStation battled it out and as you have seen, Xbox has won this battle. It’s cheaper, has better connectivity and better features. PlayStation lost, however, by a slight margin. If PlayStation had a little more to offer, it may have had a chance. In the end, both consoles are great, they work just fine and they are definitely, the top two best-known consoles in the world.