New faculty and staff join the Bak team

Playing the piano, Carrie Leahy, vocal teacher, sings to the tune of the song, “Do Re Mi.” “I like that people can use singing to express themselves, and it can inspire both the singers and the audience,” Leahy said. Photo by Trinity David

“I think the kids here are talented. I think they’re smart,” Terrazas said, “they’re motivating. I mean, they are. They’ve been super welcoming and kind, so wonderful.”
Photo by Trinity David


The start of a new school year at Bak also brought new faculty and staff members.

Carrie Leahy, chorus teacher, is one of several new teachers at Bak this year.

“I think Bak is a magnificent school with wonderful students who are very dedicated and it also has fantastic teachers who are so well-trained in their field,” Leahy said.

Leahy had originally became a teacher because she adored her middle and high school teachers.

“My high school teacher used to let me lead class a lot because I had some skills,” Leahy said. “When I led class, I noticed I was really good at it. And I liked the chorus so much that that’s why I decided to major in it in college.”

Leahy said she loves chorus because it’s about the group effort, not the individual.

Seventh grade vocal major Madison Eleam enjoys Leahy’s class.

“Ms. Leahy is very nice, and she’s a really great teacher,” Eleam said. “And when we don’t understand something, she puts things in a different perspective so we understand it better.”

Just like Leahy, dance teacher Christina Martin is extremely passionate about her career.

“I love passing on my knowledge and experiences to young dancers,” Martin said. “To me, dance is joyous, and sharing that with the future dancers is a privilege. I love watching dancers improve, grow and show artistic talent.”

Martin started dancing when she was seven because her best friend wanted her to join her dance classes. Since then, Martin fell in love with the sport of dancing.

“When I was dancing and moving with the music I felt free almost, like flying.” Martin said. “It was a place where you could lose yourself but be in complete control.”

Mia Terrazas, Bak’s new mental health professional, is thrilled about her position on the Bak team.

“I truly enjoy my profession because I get to help kids when they’re feeling really vulnerable or really overwhelmed with a bunch of big emotions,” Terrazas said. “I get to be a safe and trusted adult for them on campus, and it’s nice to know that I’m helping kids that need guidance.”

Terrazas has worked in her profession for over ten years and had been inspired by her dad to pursue a career that also related to social work.

“Bak is just so wonderful, the students are great and the teachers are wonderful,” Terrazas said. “They seem really happy to be here. So, it’s a really nice environment to be welcomed into because of that.”