‘Project Optimus’ unveils
As the world continues to evolve, newer and newer technology is being revealed. The most advanced of these is Tesla’s Optimus Bot. Reviewers are calling it a “thing of the future”. The Optimus Bot project started in August 2021 with an unveiling at Tesla’s Artificial Intelligence Day.
The Goal
The functionalities of this robot are targeted as ‘boring, repetitive, and dangerous tasks’. This is an opportunity for industrial/small businesses, as it fits multiple needs. This general-purpose robot aims to learn tasks humans can and cannot do.
Some prototypes have been released, and are being tested in the real world using their motion capture suits to implement data. We let students battle it out with their opinions and what they seemed to think about this.
What the students say
“It’s a good invention but I don’t want the robot to turn evil and hurt me” said 8th grade visual major, Sebastian Rivera.
The robot is protected with security software, but many portray the fact that these devices can be hacked with manipulation techniques such as ‘the Flipper Zero’, a device that has maneuvered through high-tech security softwares.

“[This] could be really impactful for the elderly.” These are people ‘in need’ and are impaired or need special treatment, showed 8th grade Strings Major, Hazaiel Thompson. This point stands out as the (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states “…around 61 million adults with [have] disabilities. That represents 26% of adults in the US”
6th grade communications major. Raayan Shah states, “…Tesla is designing this revolutionary robot that can replicate human action, but in the real world mistakes can be very costly.” He emphasized the importance of this acknowledging that “mistakes can lead to serious consequences,” underscoring the critical realization that human lives, financial resources, and reputation are consistently at stake.
This month, ‘We, Robot’ unveiled a robovan, robotaxi, including a re-updated Optimus bot. The robot featured an exquisite experience, serving drinks; but many accuse it of being controlled by a human operator, and this is proven to be true. In the future, these plans are subject change. The successful execution of this project has the capacity to bring about substantial changes across various industries. Project Optimus has the potential to be revolutionary, with the ability to profoundly influence and improve the lives of individuals.
Photo provided by Tesla Inc.