Opinion: parental stress: how can this issue be prevented?

When researching the key to success, the recurrent piece of advice is to learn to accept criticism. As we know, the ideal parental guidance constantly encourages children to strive for the best and reach for the stars. 


Although this never-ending support may equal beneficial results, parents may often miscalculate the balance between positive and negative judgements.


Sometimes, parents apply unnecessary stress onto their children that can lead to many long-term negative mental health effects.


A research article written by Psychcentral that was approved by several physicians showed that kids who feel that they are under enormous pressure to do well from parents and adults can experience consequences in multiple areas of their life. For instance, higher risks of injuries, increased likelihood of cheating and refusing to participate are a few side effects.


Also called “parental anxiety,” children and teens find it difficult escaping this troublesome obstacle. They may be cornered in a ravenous monster of pressure and distress at home.


“My parents make me feel stressed out about things, and if they didn’t pressure me about it as frequently as they do, then it wouldn’t feel like a burden on me, and make me anxious about upcoming assignments and more,” Lyra Radashkevich, eighth grade communications major said. 

Even though the opposing side may explain how parental pressure altogether improves grades and teaches valuable lessons, the question that remains is how to determine where to draw the line between positive motivation and negative discouragement. 


The argument in favor of hyper-focused parental guidance further explains how parents often make many mistakes in their youth, and their main goal is to fix that for their children. 


However, a fault in that argument comes from a quote from Jean Piaget, a well-known child psychologist who said “… from the moral as well as the intellectual point of view, the child is born neither good nor bad but master of his destiny. Parenting is more than just providing explanations for your children. It is being there for the child emotionally, and providing them a sense of security.”